Thursday, August 4, 2011

2 Smart Strategies For Weight Loss And Metabolic Health

If you are overweight, you probably would have embarked on a weight loss diet at some point. After weeks of rapid weight loss that has you excited you may began to experience decreased energy, decreased physical activity and increased cravings and appetite.

Your body actually has entered "starvation mode" in response to low caloric intake. A series of metabolic responses, hormonal and behavior have been set as your body responds as if there was a famine. Do not know who just want to be in the "skinny" jeans again.

Following weight loss excess fat the wrong way (through diet silly) damages the body and makes the bad things and worse outcomes following stay longer. Making the right way and focuses on fat loss rather than just weight loss and improved body composition (muscle / fat ratio) minimizes the bad and prevents damage to sensitive systems of human metabolism.

Best exercise to lose weight
Here are two of the best strategies for fat burning hormones that keep her happy and your metabolism burning.

1. Strength training - In the body building competition / training in the world of strength training exercise is a conclusion that is allowing them to enter impressively lean meat. Strange, but in the everyday world of non-athletes, mean weight loss diet, when it should be the weight loss of a program of proper strength training first. After all that is what works - look at the two types of people and see which one gets and stays fit.

I do not think cardio type activity will replace the important benefits to the reconstruction and re-tone the muscle tissue lost through inactivity. The muscular system is where the fuel (calories) are burned to produce energy, and if your muscles become weak and flabby that does not burn anywhere near as much fuel as it should be.

Cardiovascular activity type can not solve this problem - not now - not ever. You can still do your favorite activities, but its program of strength training, and use your extra activities as a bonus and only a portion of the increase in overall activity levels.

2. Consumption should be frequently and regularly. Small meals every 2-3 hours each with a protein source is the way forward. The balance of the meal should consist of vegetables. Get rid of processed foods as much as possible and replace with natural whole foods to be cooked from scratch.

To lose weight back in the kitchen
The long-term use of refined foods, processed artificial time will have a negative effect on your ability to lose weight and eventually, their health status. When his health is deteriorating hormonal change your body composition for weight loss is much more difficult and increases the risk of metabolic damage that makes it much harder if not impossible.

For optimal body composition / fat loss results, while improving hormonal and metabolic health, not just the amount of food eaten, it's about the quality of ingested food. Do not focus on one at the expense of the other. You can eat more food that creates more energy for you to exercise more and it feels so good that makes the whole thing to lose weight much easier.

With your own strength training program, along with an active lifestyle, your calorie expenditure (metabolism) goes up and stays up right throughout the day and night., And that is how can eat more sensibly and be louder, more efficient and to look and feel your best.;name=Smith_Smi

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