Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Look carefully and Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery long and interesting history dating back to ancient times. In ancient India, a doctor or a doctor to start using skin grafts to reconstruct the human skin spots, in the 8th century BC.

Ancient Indian surgeon named Susrutha first recorded by the nose construction. He used a part or some skin from the forehead. During this period, was sentenced to amputation nose old Indian law.

Thousands of years later, the Romans were a simple technique to repair damaged ears the same. In Europe, Dr. Heinrich von Pfolspeundt a simple cosmetic surgery to remove the skin from the ARM through the back and stitching its place.

However, the practice and science of advanced plastic surgey, become common only in the 19th and 20th centuries. This is because in the old days, too much risk is due to plastic surgery.

In the United States, Dr. Peter Mettauer first American plastic surgeon. The first orthopedic surgery, he was a cleft palate operation in its history dates back to 1827. He designed his own tools and operating materials.

The father of modern plastic surgery Sir Harold Gillies. He can be a number of technological developments in modern plastic surgery. Mr Gillies focus of patients who suffered facial injuries during World War I

Definition of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a generic term, refers to the manual or instrumental or surgical treatment of the aesthetic or functional reasons or purpose.

The word 'plastic' plastic surgey from the ancient word from the Greek 'plastikos' the means to shape or mold.

There are two main areas or areas or cosmetic surgery date. These measures include:

Ø reconstruction plastic surgery. Plastic surgery in this area concentrated in the block or undo the destruction of the face or other external parts of the body. This form of plastic surgey including the closure of defects in fabric graft with regional, local or distant flap. Through the program in other parts of the organization to another part of the body.

Ø aesthetic or cosmetic surgery is the most common form of plastic surgery now. This form of plastic surgery is the most time to amend or improve function in the face or body, the patient found ugly or not please. This type of example is breast reduction plastic surgery or breast implant surgery.

Plastic surgery related disciplines

Two major areas of historical and plastic surgery, it still can be further subdivided. American Society of Plastic Surgery, the Committee also includes the study or to further advance about the specific in the following disciplines:

Ø craniofacial surgery. This form of plastic surgery treatment or surgery related to adjustments or changes, or born with congenital physical defects, which include cleft lip, cleft palate, craniosynostosis and other birth defects of the face due to the causes and physical development

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