Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5 Foolproof Ways for Hen Party Planning

If you've been tasked to arrange a hen party, you might be thinking where on earth do you start. Read about 5 ways to ensure the hen party you plan will be an event to remember rather than a disaster. There's nothing worse than being tasked with arranging so big and not knowing where to begin. Party planning can be fun. If you haven't arranged one before it doesn't matter. Anyone can do it. All it involves is a little organisation and planning ahead. Send an Exploratory Email Start by sending an email to all the girls invited to the hen party; some you may know, others you may not but just ask for suggestions. Simple as this may sound you may think you know your friend really well after all, you're the best friend, right? Wrong. Those friends who may be on the periphery of your friend's party circle may come up with some suggestions which you may not have thought of before. Once you've gathered your suggestions, compile a list and discuss it with the hen. Plan in Advance Planning at least three months in advance is the key. This is particularly important if you have a large group and need to arrange logistics like the girls travelling from different areas, cities or countries. Lavish or Budget Hen Party? Some ideas will meet high approval. For instance, organising a Bollywood hen party in the total spirit of Bollywood, glamour, fun, entertainment and food is affordable and combines have fun with color, excitement and entertainment. Other ideas like having a hen party abroad can be just as fun, but you have to find out if you are getting good value for being abroad and paying additional travel expenses.
Communicate with the party and prepare a budget. If the female decides to splurge and go abroad, email the group and know that you want to fork for a trip abroad and the outline of the coast at an early stage. You can find the 20-strong group initially wanted to party with the chicken may lower because not all afford a trip abroad and you may end up with a smaller group. Plan your party on the outside as if the plan of his own holiday, what it means to find deals in advance and ask for money to be transferred to your account in advance or kitten account is only for the party. In this way you will not end up forking out and if people who leave the cover is.
Keep Updated Party
Send weekly updates on how the party planning is going and if anyone has any suggestions for reducing costs and this will be an important factor for many people in the current economic climate. If anyone has relatives working for one of the major airlines and entertainment companies may ask whether it may be feasible for a discount. Keep what you want the chicken in mind.
If she is not a wild girl not try anything too risky otherwise might lose a friend. The point is to do something that is fun and entertaining and above all pleasant, but should not be a mission to get the chicken to do something completely outside your comfort zone. Each one is unique. You may have friends who love to dance burlesque or want to try pole dancing. From what you want for your hen party and if you are asked to keep a surprise, the honor that request as well. After all it is your big day with the girls and that should not be on the quality of competition.
Try Online Entertainment Businesses
There is entertainment online organizers who will take the stress of organizing your party if you feel snowed under. You still have to communicate with the group, but if you have a busy life with work, children and family this is probably the best option. Bollywood hens is one such company that prides itself as organizing hen parties, but in Bollywood style fun.

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