Friday, August 5, 2011

The Return Of The Prodigal Son

Each of Us sin Services Light and paragraph each character in the Planet, you and I are all there. Everything else for our project if actual consciousness and seems, as a hologram. Since the nature of Energy is completely neutral, and arranged according to the UN SERVE where we are directing our light, then "I" I choose where I want to concentrate all my service, and paragraph Energy conspires to make my conscience Forward The Hologram. Viola says the creation itself before my eyes. The fact that the focus of human beings in this fragmented One reason many things about being misinformed regarding what you really are is why our world seems so damn broken in the hologram. Most of us believe is a victim and are constantly in search of a savior of the difficult situation. This keeps our attention on what we do not want salvation, instead of what we are, which is Love In other words, we are looking for love instead of opting for Love When you are clear about who you are, of so that all its service itself centered on love, then you are free to experience anything. This service is sovereign.

No More I who understands the power of my mind I gave him a fool paragraph without requiring external savior of the UN. Why? Oh, What A trained BECAUSE my hammer with things that I'm not good enough or valuable thing, or that I need someone who loves me or save me. So many of these aspects that He Created confession if not lately have been showing me. Now I see what a wonder that I am the Creator, and this perception as it is so seductive, I am enjoying my Masters. Wow! An adventure that the Confessions Through the Centuries Created especially now. If my life were a movie, Blockbuster serious sin. If it were the UN book, best-selling serious sin, because my life is made of all the elements that makes a captivating story, a great plot, mystery, suspense and everything else. Not much drama, but good theater if history need not have enough of Other Elements. So with joy that I thank you for this adventure and I sat on the edge of my seat, I joyfully look forward to see what's coming.

To become sovereign Nations, United Services requires going beyond your mind vine that took control of Your Life, which is the role of the mind itself feels comfortable in. However, the mind is able to leave Himself. All my life Confessions of dyeing the belief that the mind is the recipient of the UN experience of time consumed. I think this is one of the reasons all this about the Enlightenment is a frightening thing, because there is the feeling of the Mind is a tener ONLY going to die with time, and hay a part of the mind that given ". Over my dead body you will not get rid of me" Have no battle can then potentially going on inside the mind. It has become blatantly obvious to me that one of the best things the mind knows to do is get in doubt. What I noticed in this process of remembering who I am, is one that despite the conscious decision that I'm doing, know who I am and paragraph by taking active steps ESA Things That are attracted One Doing so, the mind still wants its done same. In a minute, I asked my team without Angelic about this because I felt that the minds of most of the UN Human Beings going through matter Itself. I wanted sable where the end of all this? Mind is always going to the UN of this Service or A Way to here give FINALLY THAT? The answer I received has helped me a lot.

In a sense, all we are in a wrestling A Life or Death with the mind. Who will win? At this time of life of the mind usually has won because it has its logic and in fact, that here he will do with Doubt, it gives you something to do. If you do not Penso Duda, Mind paragraph would have no problem to solve. Comes with doubts because that gives something to think about, no more than stew, paragraph Solutions search. In a sense, the Mind is an instance instance part of you that believes it is an entity in itself and is determined one survives. Services do not want destroyed. We see that the car I am doing load, and this as the death of Self.

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